Why Other Weight Loss Treatments Won’t Work
Many diets and treatments promise to deliver significant weight loss. However, for the morbidly obese*, obtaining and maintaining enough weight loss to improve health by non-surgical means is rare.
Non-surgical means of weight loss fail because not only do they require ongoing daily compliance, but also our bodies are designed to fight weight loss. Most people seeking surgery for weight control have had short-term success in losing weight before regaining weight.
Our brains simply direct our bodies to return to their pre-diet weights. This is why it’s difficult to maintain a diet and why the kilos often return afterwards.
*BMI greater than 40, or greater than 30 with a co-existing serious health condition.
The Important Role of Weight Loss Surgery
Our surgeons, Richard Babor and Nick Evennett, discuss the difficulty of losing weight through diet, and the important role that bariatric surgery plays in weight loss for those who are morbidly obese.
Check Your BMI
Generally accepted criteria for weight loss surgery are BMI greater than 40 or BMI greater than 30 with a weight related medical condition.
Check your Body Mass Index (BMI) here →
If you are troubled by obesity and are looking for a life-long solution, please discuss this with your family doctor or contact our clinic directly for an appointment.
Surgical options for obesity are explained in detail in our patient information booklet